Mary Poppins shows up and shows Jane and Michael that even cleaning their room and taking walks in the park can be fun.
One of my favorite scriptures is 2 Nephi 2:25 "Adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy."
I believe that even God has a sense of humor and likes to have fun where appropriate.
When Kara was on her mission, she wrote home very discouraged trying to figure out how to be herself even as a missionary. I reminded her that God gave her specific talents and skills and has commanded us not to hide them under a bushel, but to use them! Cultivate your talents!!
One activity I find super enlightening is to read my Patriarchal Blessing and to extract all my talents and gifts that God has given me.
I challenge you to reread your patriarchal blessing with this goal in mind! What have you been foreordained to do and what talents and gifts have you been given to help along the way?
One of my favorite mantra's is "THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!"
Kara figured out how to create a singing door approach on her mission!! She also planned themed parties for her companions in the evenings. Some featured onions; other avocados!! You'll just have to ask her for the story--I have no words to explain!!!
I love it that when Megan got a parking violation the other day, she had some choices; be mad and pay it, be mad an fight it, suck it up and pay it with a smile, appeal it with a smile. Here's her appeal:
"Hello Dear Parking Citation Appeal Personnel. I want to begin by saying I know probably reading these citationappeal forms is not the most exciting part of your day, so I'm going to try and make this a brief, informative, and hopefully slightly entertaining experience for you. Everything in this statement is true and correct. I recently purchased a new car and have not gotten my new license plates. I was given this citation yesterday, and my new plates came today in the mail. I could have changed the plates and never claimed this ticket to be my own.....But, to my dismay, I arrived at the security booth across the street from J Dawgs which had the sign 'Faculty and Staff Only' I was too late to turn around safely, so I went up to the security booth with the intention of asking the security man the fastest way to get to the place I had previously designed to go (the lower parking lot). I told him I was not a faculty or staff but a simple confused student trying to get to the Tanner Building. When I began explaing my dilemma to him, he said at this point just go straight and park as close as you can. I though, "Hmmm what a peculiar invitation." But, I followed his instructions. At this point looking back, I can see he probably didn't mean to give me permission to park in a faculty parking area, but I was late and flustere and had the opening presentation in my class. I just want to point out that if that security manhadn't spoken with me at the booth, I had the intention of flipping aroudn to make my way to the lower parking lot where my car would have been happily parked without the fun decorative touch of a parkingcitation place under my windshield wiper"
In any case, she owned her mistake and can be proud of how she showed up as a person and had some fun with it!!
Last Thanksgiving, Kara anticipated our question to name something she was grateful for and to our surprise, presented a list that had us all shoocked and laughing. Why not make a mundane task a little more fun. I predict next year, there will be even more prepared lists!! For your enjoyment, here's Kara's list:
- Dulce de leche
- lemon water
- fireflies
- butt cracks
- fireworks
- B flat 7
- Sun on my body!
- Front fow of a rollor coaster
- The bachelorette
- airports
- water hikes (kanneraville + falling creek)
- Hair scarves
- fog
- lightening
- crab and butter
- kitchen dance parties
- first wear of clothes
- disco skating
- beach bonfires
- Thailand
- Indian Food
- Palm Trees